Family Music and Movement Classes

Here, families with children from birth to 4 years old come together. We gather every week to connect to one another, to make music, to enjoy nature, to support our children’s social, emotional, physical and musical growth. 

Join us and bond with your child while making music, and friends.

The Summer Program is now open for registrations!

Pick your program, according to your family rhythm this Summer. Do you have kids in both age ranges? Do give us a call at 928128633.

Weekly Sessions thorough July

Let’s have an unforgettable Summer, with music, family, friends, laughter and Nature.

5 weekly sessions, on Mondays mornings, followed by having fun in Nature.

Older children?

Families with children from birth to 4 years old have a program just for them: Mixed Ages! And there is a Summer program planned just for them too. Do you have kids in both age ranges? Just contact us to find the best solution. 928128633 or

2 Weeks Intensive Program

Over two weeks, your mornings will be transformed into vibrant music-making sessions filled with laughter, rhythm, and connection

Why choose us?

Each week, babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and the grownups who love them gather for 45 minutes of fun-filled family music time. Your teacher will lead you and the other families in music activities ranging from lullabies to full-on jam sessions (with child-friendly instruments, of course). It’s so much fun you won’t realize how much learning is taking place! You’ll take home the award-winning music used in class, along with an illustrated songbook and other resources. As you discover new ways to play with music all week long, you’ll be supporting your child’s music learning and overall development—even if you don’t think of yourself as a great singer or dancer.

Why Mixed Ages?

Child development researchers discovered that grouping children of different ages in one class encourages natural, family-style learning, so Music Together developed the Mixed-Age Music Class. In this class, everyone participates at their own levels: babies vocalize, listen, and observe; toddlers play and experiment; and preschoolers build confidence as they emerge as classroom leaders. Grownups are happy because everyone can come to class together.

Nature, with comfort

We meet in a private reforestation land, with ducks and geese, with lots of privacy and an all weather tent so we can fully benefit from being in Nature comfortably while living wonderful experiences together with our families.

Registration for the Spring Collection is closed, but you can visit a class.

Music Together Mixed-Age Classes in Salir do Porto began March 6, 2024, and meet for 45 minutes once a week for ten weeks